Friday, April 19, 2024
Philip Keezer
The life of an entrepreneur is a thrilling journey marked by constant innovation, strategic decision-making, and unrelenting pursuit of goals. Yet, the very nature of this path can often lead to long hours, high stress levels, and energy depletion. Staying energized and maintaining focus amid extended work hours is a critical skill that every entrepreneur must master....
As summer days warm our spirits and beckon us outdoors, it's the perfect time for business leaders to consider team-building exercises. Team building is an essential aspect of fostering collaboration, boosting morale, and enhancing productivity within an organization. However, not all team-building exercises are created equal. To ensure that these activities yield meaningful...
Empowering employees goes beyond providing them with job security and a stable income. It involves equipping them with the tools and skills necessary to build their own businesses and achieve financial independence. By fostering an entrepreneurial mindset within your organization and offering targeted training programs, you not only enhance employee engagement and loyalty...
Philip Keezer
I recently looked at what businesses and entrepreneurs should be considering when they approach the question of raising capital investment. For startup owners looking to up the ante and accelerate their growth, a second round of funding may well be something that arises further down the line. It will, however, require a lot of...
As entrepreneurs, we use social media for everything. From connecting with others contemporaries to developing relationships with clients and customers - there are more ​reasons than ever to use social media platforms.Twitter is one of the major global players of social media - being the 7th favourite social media platform in the world. Recent news of an...
Philip Keezer
There is no denying the countless physical benefits that come with long-distance running and walking, but beyond this, what benefits can running bring to your mind and your business? Running your own business brings with it huge levels of responsibility and busy schedules. So, what are the psychological benefits of running and walking, and...
Philip Keezer
Being able to stay focused on the task at hand is key for any entrepreneur and a core skill for the successful. A mantra of well-known brain coach, Jim Kwik, tells us that: 'It’s not how smart you are, but how are you smart'. These are wise words to apply to the process of becoming more focused...
Philip Keezer
Most people will have heard of ChatGPT after it went viral last year. This advanced chatbot tool is in the spotlight at the moment thanks to its impressive capabilities and the intriguing possibilities it presents for the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI).  But what is ChatGPT and does it live up to the hype? 
One of the biggest businesses changes over the last decade has been the shift to eCommerce, a trend accelerated by the recent Covid pandemic. Unlike before, businesses can now operate fully online, only needing physical spaces to store and distribute their goods. mCommerce is natural extension of this trend from static to mobile devices,...
Philip Keezer
While tech has made many things possible that would have seemed impossible just a generation ago, it has also had other impacts which are less obviously beneficial. One such impact has been upon our privacy. Technology has made the world a smaller place, and turned everyone’s phone into a social nexus. This process has been accelerated by...


Philip J. Keezer
I’m Philip Keezer, entrepreneur, business consultant and mentor. My goal is to develop innovative new technology that makes business easier and allows entrepreneurs to thrive autonomously.


Navigating the Winter Wave: Strategies for Successful Sales Campaigns

As we find ourselves on the cusp of winter, businesses are gearing up for a pivotal season that can make or break...
Phil Keezer

Cultivating a Wealth Mindset: A Blueprint for Business Success

In the dynamic and competitive landscape of business, success often hinges on more than just strategic planning and operational efficiency. Entrepreneurs and...
Philip Keezer

Leading Through Turbulence: The Art of Effective Leadership in Crisis

In the unpredictable landscape of business, crises can strike unexpectedly, threatening the stability and success of even the most robust organizations. Whether...

Understanding Your Audience: A Blueprint for Business Leaders

In today's dynamic and highly competitive business landscape, understanding your audience is essential for success. Business leaders who can connect with their...

Balancing Multiple Competing Priorities: Strategies for Effective Leadership

In the fast-paced world of business, leaders often find themselves juggling multiple competing priorities. Whether it's meeting revenue targets, fostering innovation, ensuring...