7 Tricks for a Higher Converting Landing Page

Landing pages can make or break a marketing campaign. They’re often the first point of contact between your brand and potential customers, so it’s important to pull them off right. And I don’t just mean editing the copy once. That won’t be enough. 

To get a higher converting landing page, you need to put in some elbow grease and focus on optimizing at every step. 

The good news: it’s not impossible if you put your mind to it, so let’s talk about some landing page tips.

The anatomy of a successful landing page

A successful landing page features a few elements.

First, you need to have a killer heading. You should spend at least half an hour writing it, polishing it, and thinking about the best ways to draw your audience in with it. Your heading is extremely important, and you should treat it accordingly. Make sure it also features a promise, like: 

“Successful Startup: The Most Complex Online Training Course That Will Help You Secure Investments And Scale Your Startup”

Second, you need a comprehensive offer. Successful landing pages clearly state what you get if you buy or sign-up, and they present each feature as a benefit for the consumer. Emulate that in your landing pages.

Third, high converting landing pages have a story. Think about the pain points and desires of your target audience and do your best to integrate them into your copy. This shows that you understand your audience, and it makes them understand that you’re best positioned to help.

Fourth, a landing page should feature a solution. This is where benefits are expanded upon to answer the need outlined in the story. 

And lastly, you need good calls to action. Yes, split testing button colors is important, but good landing pages take it a step further. They summarize benefits and walk potential customers through how to seize on the opportunity outlined in the landing page.

But enough general talk. Let’s see how you can put those principles to good use.

How your landing pages can convert more

We’ve prepared 7 tricks for a higher converting landing page, but before we get into those I want you to have the right mindset going into this. 

You should always focus on your target audience.

Any decision you make should be based on your buyer persona, and every bit of copy or visual elements should be based on what they want to see, not what you think works best.

That being said, let’s get into our landing page tips.

Create urgency

I don’t mean artificially making it seem like you only have a limited “offer”. Saying you can only accept 100 people in an online webinar may seem disingenuous, especially if you’re selling B2B. 

But do try to instill some sense of urgency in the minds of your landing page visitors. Giving out bonus content for early adopters, a discount for the first 100 people or simply setting a window for potential customers to sign-up can go a long way in increasing the conversion rate of your landing pages.

Work on your user experience

We did say your target audience comes first, so do your best to accommodate them. Make sure your page is technically sound, both before and during a campaign. It should load fast, which you can improve upon with a tool like GTMetrix. It should be easy to navigate, with a seamless design, and there’s no room for broken links on page.

Aim to improve your page’s design as well. The offer and copy can sometimes do the hard lifting, but there’s no denying that flawless design makes a landing page at least marginally more successful.

Lastly, outline the steps your visitors should take. Your message should be easy to understand, but you should also outline what your customers should do with it. Ask yourself how you expect them to take action and explain that on-page, ideally in your CTAs. Speaking of which…

Test Your CTAs

Much like your heading, calls to action are small snippets of information that shouldn’t be overlooked. Good CTAs can drastically increase your page’s conversion rate, so try to do some A/B testing to see what message and design works best.

If you have the budget, you can even employ focus group testing. It’s a good way to see if those crucial elements of your page (CTAs, the heading, the offer) are performing at their top potential.

Aspire towards flawless copy

Most writers I know have a clear process for writing copy that converts: they research and draft a structure to their piece, they write it, and then they go through a round of revisions, polishing the copy quality.

That’s not going to be enough. You need to go above and beyond with your content if you want a landing page to convert. Consider going through a few rounds of revisions, polishing for specific elements like grammar, copy quality, or flow.

Other than that, remember that people rarely read a long page in bulk. Most of your visitors will skim through your landing page, so make it “scannable” by the human eye through clear headings and an easy to follow structure.

Attract the right traffic

Landing pages can be optimized on-page to convert better, but an even more successful strategy is to make sure the right people end up on your page in the first place. Analyze your product and adjust your targeting to find the people most interested in it.

This too is something you can work on and optimize after the campaign has started. Analyze your traffic sources and invest more in the audience segments that show promising results.

Try video sales letters

A video sales letter isn’t the end-all be-all trick to powering up a landing page, but it can go a long way especially if you’re competing in a more conservative niche and you show your face in that video.

The clip serves two purposes: first, it humanizes your brand, making it more relatable. Second, it quickly showcases what your product can do for people that won’t read the entire page.

Have a guarantee

One of the biggest roadblocks for potential customers is irrational fear. They think that maybe the product isn’t what they need, they consider spending their money on something else, or they may just be afraid that you won’t live up to what you promise.

Stop those objections in their tracks by offering a guarantee. It can be a money-back guarantee, or just a quality promise based on previous results. Either way, a stamp of approval can go a long way to helping your visitors take action.

In the end, remember that you can do everything you read today easier and better with practice. Optimization and constant adjustments are a staple of good marketing campaigns, so always look for ways to improve, and you’ll get a higher converting landing page.

Do you agree with these landing page tips? Let me know what you think in the comments section below.